A long time ago there lived a young boy named Aladdin. He lived with his widow mother, they lived in a small village called china that they were very poor and they did not have enough money.
One day a strange man was searching, for Aladdin. A long lost uncle. The man claimed to be his lost uncle, “can” you take me to your mother please? After they saw his mother, his uncle needed Aladdin’s help.
He wanted Aladdin to climb down the hole.when Aladdin climbed down the hole he was astonished to find treasure. Like gold, diamonds,sapphires, rubies and pearls. When he found the lap he went back up the stairs and the uncle said give me the lap not intal you get me out first no lap first get me out. Then you can stay down there forever. Then he shuts the cave with a big rock.
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